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Tips for a flatter stomach

Would you like a flatter stomach? There is something to do! These tips make your tummy flatter, or they make your tummy look flatter, which is also a nice bonus.

Watch your posture

When you stand up straight, your figure looks better. In addition, the muscles of your torso are slightly active when you sit or stand upright, which is also good for your tummy.

Read also: 'What kind of belly do you have?'

Drink enough water

Our bodies easily confuse hunger with thirst, but that's not the only reason why you should drink enough. When you drink too little, your body stores the water that is still in your body, which can cause a bloated stomach.

Go to the toilet when you have to

When you don't go to the toilet enough for a big errand, your stomach can become swollen. If you feel you need to go to the toilet, don't try to hold it up. Make sure you eat enough fiber to keep your bowel movements going.

Sleep enough

After a bad night's sleep, more hunger hormone is produced. This makes you more hungry during the day. Furthermore, we make worse choices when we are tired, which means that we reach for unhealthy snacks more quickly after a bad night's sleep.

Don't just do abdominal exercises

Abs exercises are not the holy grail for a flat stomach. So don't focus on that, but also incorporate strength training into your training program.