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This is Santé reader Jacqueline's favorite sport:yoga

Santé reader Jacqueline has been addicted to yoga for 10 years. After years of body pump and body shape, she was ready for something different, but what then? She went to try a yoga class…

“I didn't like that lesson at all. I then started power yoga to feel some muscle pain. Now years later I understand that yoga is not about twisting you into all kinds of poses. At first I thought that was important. But yoga is something completely different. Yoga is something you have to learn to feel. If you practice yoga for a little longer and your breathing becomes slower, a kind of peace comes over you and then you can no longer do without it. Now I do it 5 times a week, preferably yin yoga. That's how I start my day. I can recommend it to everyone!”

Read also: 'This is Fanny's favorite sport:skydiving'

Favorite yoga pose

“My favorite pose is the headstand, because the world is literally turned upside down. I always do this exercise without a headstand bench, but this photo was taken during a workshop with a headstand bench. The advantage of this is that your neck is free and the vertebrae are less stressed.”


“During the corona lockdown, I did yoga at home every day because the gym was closed. Now that the gym is open again, I've picked up classes there again."


“Yoga gives you peace of mind, even when you are busy; after a yoga class you are literally better in your body and in your head. I would recommend it to everyone, especially in this weird time, full of uncertainty about the future with corona, it gives you peace and you oversee things better."

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