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Exercise when you're not feeling well

Sometimes exercise does you good when you're not feeling well. Another time it is better to go to bed, but how do you know what is sensible and which form of exercise is best to choose?

Menne bridge
There is a mnemonic to determine whether you should exercise or better go to bed. If you have complaints above your neck, you can exercise well, although it is wise to take it easy. If you have complaints under your neck, it is better to skip sports. Read more about this mnemonic>>

Move anyway
Your complaints are above your neck and you decide to move anyway. What can you do best? Skip intense workouts for a while. Train at half strength or choose one of these less heavy workouts.

1. Hiking
Opt for an outdoor walk or on the treadmill. Don't set the tempo too high.

2. Yoga or Pilates
Yoga and Pilates are great classes if you don't feel top fit.

3. Stretching
Do stretching exercises for your entire body. That way you don't strain yourself too much, but you're still having a good time.

4. Dancing
Dancing to your favorite music makes you forget your ailments for a while.
