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Is sports really not necessary at all?

Do you regularly cycle or walk every day for daily activities? Then you don't really need to exercise at all…

For one in three Dutch people who regularly cycle or walk every day, it is not necessary to exercise. The Health Council says that 150 minutes of exercise per week is enough for a healthy lifestyle. Anyone who regularly cycles to work or walks to the station already arrives at those 150 minutes a week without having to throw in an intensive workout at the gym.

Read also: 'Is moving less often just as good for you?'

150 minutes of exercise per week

More than half of the Dutch meet the advice of the Health Council, but good; there is always a part left that has to pay a visit to the gym to get 150 minutes of exercise.


The Knowledge Institute for Mobility Policy has analyzed data from the Netherlands Mobility Panel, for which 5,300 people kept a diary about all their journeys. In addition, they were asked about their health.

Car drivers vs cyclists

It turned out that people with a healthy BMI used the bicycle more often and used the car less than people who were overweight. Those who always move by car only get about five minutes of exercise a day. A meager seven percent of them get enough exercise. Something completely different applies to cyclists:they meet the recommendation of the Health Council with 80 percent.