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Sports with a purpose

Whether you exercise for relaxation, train for a competition or because you want to feel more toned. Setting yourself a goal is motivating, making it easier for you to keep up with sports.

Realistic goal
Don't set yourself the goal of running a marathon right away. And going from zero to five times a week to the gym isn't realistic for most of us either. There is a good chance that you will drop out prematurely, or even incur an injury due to your overconfidence.

Start small
First run 5 kilometers, then 10. First go to the gym once a week and slowly build that up to five. By having a concrete 'intermediate goal' in mind that you then also achieve, you are extra aware of your progress. Noticing that you are getting better immediately makes exercising a lot more fun.

Not performance driven
Maybe you really only exercise because you enjoy it. Yet you can still have a goal:improve your personal best, remember the dance steps faster, relax after a hectic working day or build up more stamina. Exercise has many benefits:it is also good for your mood, sleep and libido, for example. Also a great stick behind the door, right?

Do it together
It doesn't work for everyone, but it might work for you:exercise together and work towards a goal together. Research has even shown that exercising with a better teammate is motivating.

What is your current sports goal?