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How do you know when exercise turns into an addiction?

Maybe you didn't even like sports in the past. You can be proud of it once you get the hang of it. But how do you know when exercise is slowly turning into an addiction?

Can you get addicted to sports?
In general, sports are seen as something healthy, so many people will not quickly see sports as an addiction. However, it is possible to become addicted to exercise. A contributing factor is the endorphins that are released during exercise, this happiness hormone makes you feel good. What can also contribute are the positive reactions from others that you get to the sport; compliments, likes, people who are impressed.

Which signals indicate a possible sports addiction?
A few examples…

  1. You do not listen to your body and ignore signals that you need a rest day or complaints that may indicate a (starting) injury.
  2. You are focused on the performance you have to deliver.
  3. You track your progress, to the extreme.
  4. Social activities lead to sports. Other appointments disappear from your calendar and/or you cancel appointments so that you can start exercising.
  5. If you miss a training once, you will feel angry and frustrated.
  6. It takes more and more (more and more) to give you the good feeling that you used to have after exercising.
  7. You exercise longer than you planned.
  8. You spend a significant part of the day exercising.
  9. Despite an injury, you continue to exercise.
  10. You cancel parties to exercise.
  11. Your training is central to your planning. You consciously plan other activities around it.
  12. A day feels pointless if you haven't exercised.

Am I a sports addict?
Do you recognize yourself in any of the above points? Then it is time to take a critical look at your own behavior. It does not necessarily mean that you are addicted to sports. Especially if you are involved in sports or are a personal trainer for work, you can look at some points more leniently. Above all, make sure that you keep the right balance in your life. It's not a good sign if social events or your relationship is taking a toll on your workout. Sports should be a means and not an end in itself. Talk about it with someone you trust and contact your doctor.