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Is it wise to exercise when it is hot?

The sparrows are falling from the roof, and yet you can't miss your run… Then take these advices to heart!

You can exercise when it is warm. In countries where it is much warmer, there is also sports. They are much better accustomed to high temperatures in warm countries. The most important question is whether your body is used to it. If you do not train so much or intensively, it is better to take rest days in warm weather. And do you have health problems? Then exercising is not a good idea.

Read also: ‘How do you deal with heat?‘

Adjust your training

If you still want to exercise, it is best to go early in the morning or late at night. At the hottest time of the day, you are much more at risk of dehydration, sunburn or heat stroke. Don't go for HIIT, but do a workout that is a few teeth quieter. Sports on the grass or in the woods also feel slightly less warm than on asphalt. Or how about swimming?

Don't get thirsty

drink a lot. Really a lot. Preferably you drink before you get thirsty, because the moment you are thirsty, you are actually drinking too late. Also drink before and after training.

Protect yourself

Apply SPF and wear a cap to protect your head. Try to stay in the shade. Less clothing is not necessarily better. Rather wear a covering, but light outfit.

Read also: Why do some people sweat more than others during exercise?

To the gym

Some gyms have air conditioning. Your training will be a lot more pleasant there and you can relax after your training. Keep in mind that your body has more trouble cooling down after exercise. If you want to sleep as coolly as possible, it is better not to exercise right before that.

Accept that things are not going well

Does training in this heat really make sense? Maybe it's more worth relaxing with a drink. If you do exercise, listen very carefully to your body and accept that the pace is a lot lower than normal.