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Heat wave:the foods and drinks to favor when it's very hot

During high heat , our appetite often tends to decrease. Our body spends energy on it to regulate its temperature, so it eliminates a lot through perspiration, up to 2.5 liters of water per day. To make up for this loss, it's important to hydrate yourself enough or you risk ending up exhausted and dehydrated. In this idea, we can drink water but also consume water-rich foods including fruits and vegetables . On the other hand, we avoid heavy dishes, in sauce and / or fat, which tend to stay on the stomach, while our body is already weakened by the heat.

What should you eat when it is very hot?

Hydration also comes through diet. Some foods are naturally full of water and minerals such as cucurbits:cucumber, zucchini, melon and watermelon. When it's hot, you can also savor vegetables as a starter. and as main course mixed salads already cooked vegetables such as eggplant and pepper. For fruits, choose fresh seasonal fruits such as citrus fruits , ideal for replenishing vitamins and energy, apricots and peaches are also a good alternative for hydration. And if you want a fresh, light meal that sticks to your body, turn to cold soups or gazpachos .

Drinks to drink during hot weather

On the drink side, we of course think of drinking fresh water regularly. and not frozen so as not to sensitize the digestive system. You can drink at least 1.5 liters of water and up to a maximum of 2.5 liters per day. The infused waters and smoothies fruit or vegetables are also a solution. The main thing is not to have a drink that is too sweet but very thirst-quenching and hydrating. Coconut water is also very interesting thanks to its content of nutrients that fight against dehydration.

Discover in our slideshow all what to eat and drink during heat waves.

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