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Exercises for when you often walk in heels

Heels look great, but after a long day, your feet and calves deserve some love.

Exercise 1:down facing dog
Come and stand in the down-facing dog. Bring your right foot onto your toes, slowly switch to your left foot and repeat several times.

Exercise 2:Stretch the calves
Put your hands against the wall. Step forward with your right foot and bend your knee. This way you feel the stretch in your left calf. Repeat the exercise with your other leg. Repeat the exercise a few times for both legs.

Exercise 3:mini foot massage
Grab a small hard ball, such as a tennis or golf ball. Place the ball under your foot and roll over it slowly.

Exercise 4:calf massage
Do you have a foam roller at home? Pamper your calves with a massage.

Exercise 5:flexible ankles
Turn your foot in circles, moving from your ankle. Rotate five circles to the right and five circles to the left. Do this with both feet.

Read also
> Crash course on walking in heels
> Walking in heels:tips from a pro
> Give yourself a massage