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How long do I have to have a child? #5

Freezing your eggs, a new trend?

What if medicine came to the aid of women who did not see the biological clock ticking? Dr. Joëlle Belaish-Allart, gynecologist-obstetrician, advocates the use of “societal self-preservation of oocytes”. Do you want to pass your diplomas, build a solid professional life and find the “right” future father, before attempting a pregnancy? At 35, you could request a collection of your oocytes, which would be frozen until you felt ready. The National College of Gynecologists-Obstetricians (CNGOF) is for, but not the parliamentarians, who have never voted for the text. Egg freezing, they say, should be for sick women, not latecomers. Pr Olivennes, gynecologist-obstetrician, remains skeptical:“How could women who are not invested in a desire for pregnancy think of having their oocytes collected and stored? And then, it is not sure that this technique gives good results! It will only serve a few…”