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A pill could allow people intolerant to consume gluten

In the family of disabling intolerances, we ask for gluten. We become paranoid and we ask for the composition of each ingredient, we can no longer go to such a bar, such a restaurant… a pill could be the solution. Still in the test phase, this pill was developed by researchers at the University of Alberta, Canada. Made from egg yolk antibodies, it could well change the lives of some 600,000 people with celiac disease (i.e. between 0.3 and 1% of the population!), in other words gluten intolerant.

Fewer symptoms

Some might deem it a gimmick, others a real fix, but the thing is, using it is still child's play. It should be taken 5 minutes before a meal to have protection for one to two hours (i.e. the time of a good dinner at the restaurant for example!). The antibodies in the egg yolk bind with the gluten present in the wheat and neutralize it, which mainly limits the symptoms of the disease:stomach pain, bloating, diarrhea and the problem of absorption of nutrients. Hoon Sunwoo, the inventor of this pill, specifies that it is intended for “truly intolerant people” not to be confused with people sensitive to gluten.

No miracles

If this pill passes the phases of "efficacy tests", it nevertheless remains only a temporary solution and not a cure. You should know that this disease cannot be cured, so no false joy possible. Unfortunately you will have to be patient, very patient, because no test has yet been done in Europe.