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Sleep:how to (really) improve your nights with hemp oil

sleep disorders is a scourge that affects 36% of French people . And it's a bit of a vicious circle that's hard to get out of. Indeed, after the first insomnia, bedtime becomes a real anxiety that leads us to... not sleep . It's a bit like the cat biting its own tail, and despite all our attempts, it is sometimes difficult to find a lasting and effective solution. While there are many solutions to improve the quality of our sleep, there are some that stand out. We are thinking in particular of the CBD option. , this miracle oil that has been talked about ever since it was legalized in November 2020.

Cannabidiol, friend of your nights

CBD is short for cannabidiol , a molecule derived from cannabis. Long maligned, the CBD , unlike THC, present in cannabis, has no psychotrophic effect or euphoric . An assertion confirmed by WHO in a report dating from 2017. So here it is, for a few years now, propelled to the rank of cosmetic or health ally. It is found in serum form , in cake recipes, in creams, in oil or in the form of herbal teas. In short, he is everywhere. It would have soothing virtues , relaxants and antipsychotics . Therefore, CBD could play an essential role in the quality of our sleep, which we are losing more and more. CBD would promote relaxation and muscle relaxation but not only. It is also said to have powerful effects against stress.

Based on this observation, consuming cannabidiol before bed would improve the quality of sleep by allowing you to fall asleep more quickly. The dream. According to a 2019 study, (Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep:A Large Case Series ) sleep would be, in this sense and for 66.7% consumers, improved. To do this, the best solution is to consume CBD in the form of oil. All you have to do is drop three to four drops directly into your mouth, keeping a little product on the mucous membranes before ingesting it and you're done. You should feel a sense of relaxation only a few minutes later.