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Bleeding gums:top 9 most common causes

Why gums bleed:common factors that explain it

Bleeding gums happen to everyone. Have you ever quietly brushed your teeth and noticed with surprise, while spitting out the toothpaste, the blood-red color it had taken on? The question then remains as to why. This phenomenon, which affects no less than 3 out of 4 French people, should not be neglected. Bleeding gums can be caused by different factors, the most common being:

  • Gingivitis:this is an inflammation of the gums due to bacterial proliferation in the mouth:tartars. Besides the resulting bleeding, bad breath and pain can also result;
  • Vitamin C or vitamin K deficiency;
  • Stress
  • Alcohol and tobacco:if they do not necessarily cause the phenomenon, they promote bleeding gums;
  • Diet:Bleeding gums are sometimes due to overconsumption of acidic and sugary foods that weaken them;
  • Poorly maintained oral hygiene;
  • Aggressive toothbrushing:using a toothbrush that is too hard or brushing inappropriately can cause the gums to bleed.

What treatments should be taken for bleeding gums?

Bleeding gums are never a good sign. Ideally, once the cause of the bleeding has been identified, preventive measures should be taken immediately and recurrences avoided. The treatment of bleeding gums will therefore depend on its cause. In any case, it is recommended:

  • To adopt a balanced lifestyle, far from smoking and alcoholism, combining a healthy diet and regular rest;
  • Maintaining your oral hygiene:it is essential, whether your gums are bleeding or not, to brush your teeth regularly with the right gestures. The gums will be strengthened;
  • Visit the dentist regularly;
  • Using a toothbrush

What are the complications to fear if left untreated?

Although they seem less serious at first glance, bleeding gums can quickly give way to a more serious disease if they are not properly treated. If gingivitis is the source of the problem, the absence of treatment can cause this inflammation to progress to periodontitis. At this stage, the destruction is irreversible and can cause loosening of the teeth. So it is best to treat bleeding gums as soon as possible.