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Hangover:9 incredible tips to limit its effects

In this moment, you have chained evenings . And who says evening says alcohol (well, most often). We also remind you that, without alcohol , the party is more crazy. And to see some of our awakenings , it is not difficult to say so. Each time, it's the same story . One drink, then two, then three and then we go home , without even having the strength to swallow a litre of water and in the morning, we hate each other. We feel like an elephant walking on our head, dry mouth and nausea . And the more time passes, the more these tomorrows are difficult to manage . Yes, we remember our first parties when we were sixteen and the term "hangover" was completely unknown to us. That day is over. Completely. And since we know and accept it, we have decided to take charge and act, in prevention (and action) to save us two days in bed like we had gastro.

But what is a hangover anyway?

Behind the phrase “hangover” hides a real intoxication alcohol-related. It's called "veisalgia (yes right now, it's less fun). A Norwegian term, which literally translates to "discomfort following debauchery ". A hangover results from drinking too much alcohol. There, we don't teach you anything. But if you are a victim the next day , your body is struggling to get rid of all the alcohol in your blood . Your body has to deal with dehydration , hormonal changes, release of inflammatory molecules and imbalance in blood sugar levels. And that's a lot. It is when your blood alcohol level is at its lowest that you will start to feel bad . Hence the difficult next day, even after ten hours of sleep. But there are tips to prevent veisalgia or to better fight it. Here they are.