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The Asian pear:preventive remedy against a hangover

A magic cure for hangovers, everyone dreams of it…well, especially those who tend to abuse alcohol. The miracle comes from science, which seems to have found the winning remedy in the Asian pear:a natural, common and easy-to-find food. Drinking 220 ml of Asian pear juice before embarking on a drinking binge would be enough to block the side effects.

The ailments associated with heavy alcohol consumption (terrible headaches, nausea, digestive problems) are very little scientifically studied. Australian researchers, from the "Commowealth Scientific and Industrial Research" (CSIRO), analyzed two studies carried out on animals and on humans. The study, published on the site, shows that drinking 220 ml of Asian pear juice is enough to reduce hangovers. According to them, the direct consumption of pears would be just as effective. Asian pears act on key enzymes involved in alcohol metabolism to accelerate alcohol metabolism and eliminate or inhibit its absorption.

Be careful, for the effects to be effective, the fruits must be consumed before your great mojito evenings. Manny Noakes, one of the authors of the study, said:“There is no evidence that you can consume pears after drinking and avoid a hangover. And remember, the best way not to get a hangover is not to drink too much. At this stage the study is preliminary, but other experiments should follow.

These pears are not found in just any greengrocer or supermarket, you have to look at Asian or exotic shops.