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5 good reasons not to stop eating sugar!

With the fashion for healthy food and food hyperhygiene, sugar-free diets are on the increase. Ok, being careful is good, but we have the right to live and have fun, too! So we say it:LONG LIVE SUGAR!

1/ Because quitting (especially suddenly) can be bad for your health. Already, we can have hypoglycemia attacks (and there, we need fast sugar). In addition, as with any drastic diet, you can freak out after a period of too much frustration. And there, it's sugar galore, +4 kgs and weeping arteries. Moderation is the mother of all wisdom. On the other hand, reduce, why not!

2/ Because eating bonbecs, chocolate, ice cream or cotton candy alone or with friends is still more fun than having only 3 almonds, 4 dried cranberries or a carrot to snack on . A little madness, damn it! And seriously, HOW do we do the birthday cake? No, no, no!

3/ Because "sugar-free" is not necessarily better. The problem with light? It sends a scrambled message to our body which does not understand what is happening to it and therefore produces fat. It is better to take the same product with sugar and in a smaller quantity. And then, several studies raise the carcinogenic nature of certain sweeteners… So good…

4/ Because there is a whole lot of sugar that is good for your health (and for the taste buds). Honey (rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals), kitul (full of calcium and iron and vitamins B1, B12, and C), rapadura (rich in minerals and trace elements), demerara (rich in iron, magnesium, calcium , phosphorus, potassium and vitamin B and), coconut sugar (very antioxidant)…. Mmmm that's so good! So why stop?

5/ Because there are other things to do to boost your health. Like eating in a balanced way, with GOOD fat, sugar in a reasonable QUANTITY, sleeping well and playing sports. Already, if you do all that, you'll be on top and won't have to deprive yourself of such delicious pleasure... So it's decided, I'll stop feeling guilty!