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An app to fight noise pollution

Living in the city can hurt your ears. So, to find out the noisiest places every hour, Inria researchers have developed free software, SoundCity. Thanks to it, we identify the most aggressive places to better avoid them, but we also contribute to feeding the software by collecting data and sharing it. Because the app uses laptop microphones, which measure the intensity of noise pollution in decibels heard (dBA). The anonymity of users is guaranteed and it is approved by the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL).

In Paris, the regulatory noise limit is 68 decibels (dB) on average per day. But 11% of the inhabitants of the capital are potentially exposed to a higher noise level, recalls Le Monde . And to add that noise pollution would even be responsible for 10,000 premature deaths per year (heart attacks, strokes, etc.). "Silence is golden" then takes on its full meaning.

Read also:The sound of water, a natural anti-stress