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10 good reasons to drink fewer sodas

We know it only too well, the temptation of soft drinks is terrible. Terrible are also the possible consequences of their consumption. Did you know that you can clean a burnt pan or clean a grease stain on a garment with a Coke? That says a lot about the cocktail of chemicals in sodas…

1- For example, a can of Coca-Cola contains 35g of sugar, which is equivalent to 7 sugar cubes. The 2L bottle contains 212 g of sugar, the equivalent of just over 42 sugar cubes.

2- A study conducted by the American Academy of Neurology shows that soda lovers are more likely to suffer from depression.

3- Soft drinks are among the first culprits singled out for explaining the global epidemic of obesity.

4- Respirology magazine published a study which shows that the consumption of sodas is very closely linked to breathing problems and lung cancer.

5- Soft drinks generally contain phosphoric acid. The latter slows digestion, hinders the absorption of nutrients and promotes the appearance of bone diseases (osteoporosis, for example).

6- Caffeine, which is found in excess in sodas, can cause insomnia, high blood pressure, heart problems and even certain types of cancer.

7- The citric acid contained in soft drinks weakens the teeth and eventually causes damage to the enamel. This damage would be similar to that observed in methamphetamine users.

8- According to researchers from the Universities of Miami and Columbia, soda drinkers have a 43% increased risk of having a stroke, heart attack or developing cardiovascular disease.

9- Artificial sweeteners in "light" drinks have the same effects as sugar on the body. They trigger insulin leading to weight gain.

10- According to studies conducted by the American Association for Cancer Research, drinking more than two sodas a week increases the risk of developing pancreatic cancer by 87%.