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Fun apps to raise awareness about emergency contraception

Whether they are insignificant or very practical, applications have become well established in everyday life. Difficult to escape, they are everywhere. Organizations of all kinds have understood this and have quickly adopted these tools to convey messages or conduct campaigns. The HRA Pharma laboratory has surfed on the trend by recently launching its “Capote Riposte” and “Nuit Chaude Cold Shower” apps, which aim to raise awareness of emergency contraception among young people and adults alike.

The HRA Pharma Laboratory is a pioneer in emergency contraception, which has been developed since 1998. The apps launched by the latter rely on the fun and interactive aspects of games to raise public awareness.

The principle of the "Capote Riposte" app is based on a character who must try to trap the spermatozoa by preventing them from escaping. In all, several levels and questions on the subject of contraception. Of course, accidents can happen. In this case, bonus questions allow you to obtain the morning after pill to continue playing.

“Hot Night Cold Shower”, meanwhile, is an app that portrays a virtual scenario in which the character of Amélie is faced with difficult decisions following a “hot night” without contraception. This interactive game is in the form of a survey with many questions.

In France, the number of reports at risk of pregnancy is estimated between 5 and 24 million. Two-thirds of pregnancies are the result of a contraceptive error, condom accidents or dubious natural contraceptive methods. 28% of pill users miss their pill at least once a month.

Both apps are available on Android and IOS.