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5 good reasons to snowshoe

You are a fan of outdoor mountain sports ? Have you ever thought about putting your pair of skis aside and discovering the snowpack in a different way? The snowshoe season is not yet completely finished and if this sporting leisure seduces more and more new followers, it is no coincidence. Want to get started? We warn you, you are going to become totally addicted to snowshoes !

There is still time to discover this mountain sports activity, whether you are alone, as a duo, with your small family or your group of friends! Need to be convinced? Here are 5 excellent reasons to go on a snowshoe hike :

1. See the mountain differently

Here is an original, simple and practical way to spice up your stay in the mountains. It is a total immersion in an immaculate nature that awaits you! At your own pace, you will appreciate the beauty of the area by strolling as close as possible to the snowy peaks.

We invite you to prefer outings with professional supervision to bring optimal safety to your mountain hike. Indeed, a professional high mountain guide has knowledge and mastery of the state of the snowpack and the weather conditions that will allow you to evolve serenely in the powder !

2. It's a change from skiing and it's just as fun!

It must be said, when you don't want to ski or do any winter sports, or even bask in the sun on a deckchair on the terrace of the mountain restaurant, snowshoeing is the best alternative ! Now it's up to you to convince your loved ones and friends who swear by sliding 😉

We assure you, snowshoeing is not an activity dedicated to seniors , contrary to what we often hear (obviously wrongly). Thrill seekers will also be satisfied, especially if you decide to make your snowshoe hike more sporty! Where skiing and snowboarding bring the pleasures of sliding, snowshoes deliver a completely different vision of the mountain with new sensations:hurtling down a slope

3. Everyone can do it, no matter the level

This is the major asset of this mountain sports activity:as long as you know how to walk, you can snowshoe! Both adults and children, without necessarily being an athlete or in exceptional physical condition, everyone can go snowshoeing .

You can therefore book a walk in the snow with your whole family, with friends who are not very or not at all sporty. And what's more, to top it all off, you'll actually be working out without feeling like you're doing it .

4. It's good for body, mind and health

As with any sporting activity, snowshoeing is useful for keeping in shape, maintaining your physical condition and quite simply, having a healthy lifestyle. Accessible to all, snowshoes are an outdoor sport that is easy to practice and allowing you to benefit from the same advantages on the improvement and development of endurance and the cardio-respiratory system, as any physical activity.

But the benefits of snowshoeing do not stop there:if you walk on a sunny day, you are loaded with vitamin D which has a direct impact on our morale! And if you have a few pounds to lose or want to build a little muscle without exhausting yourself in a gym , be aware that a short hour on snowshoes can make you lose nearly 500 calories! It has something to interest more than one, right?

5. Ideal in winter for hikers

You like hiking and you are looking to indulge your passion all year round? Leave your walking shoes aside, go to the mountains where you absolutely have to discover snowshoeing! It's guaranteed, you will find the same joys on the snow and the panoramas that will be offered to you will also be splendid.

You will meet a mountain guide who will entrust you with the necessary equipment to tread the snowy paths if you do not wish to invest or encumber yourself. It's up to you, sometimes you prefer to have your own equipment to make snowshoes regularly. Occasionally, do not hesitate to rent your snowshoes and poles on site.