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Is paragliding scary?

Flying offers an incomparable feeling of freedom. To venture into the sky, like a bird, you have the choice of activity. If you prefer to opt for an aircraft where the wind is your only engine, take flight with a first flight in a paraglider .

If the discipline is very popular for its sensations and its magnificent panoramic view, the fact remains that the feeling of emptiness can be impressive .

If you dream of doing this flight, discover below some useful explanations to go paragliding and have fun without being afraid !

Fear of the unknown at altitude

Even if you like aerial activities, why are you afraid once your feet are in the void ?

The explanation is simple: the mind reacts differently when it does not know the situation . If you've never dared to fly a paraglider, you don't know what to expect, and that's when fear takes over.

The feeling of not being in control of one's maneuvers creates tensions that are normal, since they help us to adapt. It's about apprehension more than panic fear . If sometimes this fear can become anxiety-provoking, we quickly get rid of it to enjoy the beautiful flight in the sky.

When you are afraid of falling, it is true that panic can quickly set in as this video shows. To stop this type of situation which can degenerate, you have to breathe deeply, and above all listen carefully to the professional instructor who is also there to reassure you in this aerial adventure. In general, after the first minutes of worry, fear gives way to excitement and pure entertainment.

It's all about insurance, or rather re-insurance! To minimize this fear of the unknown, maybe you can find out about how paragliding works, the discipline and its followers . For this, we advise you to read the first paragliding news magazine by clicking here. By developing your knowledge on the subject, you will apprehend less, and enjoy more !

Enhanced sensations during a paragliding baptism

If paragliding falls into the category of high-risk sports, it is no less safe . By performing a paragliding baptism, you are comfortably seated in the harness with the instructor who takes care of everything . The objective:to fly and admire the exceptional panorama at altitude.

Leaving the ground means leaving your usual environment to go and explore other spheres, that of the clouds notably. If you are afraid to start this aerial journey, it is because this space is unfamiliar to you.

By gaining height, you see things from another angle, with a new perspective. At the very top, you are carried by the wind, it's simply magical . The sky is offered to you, with more or less hilly and more or less steep landscapes. The beauty of this panoramic view is worth the detour!

To make your paragliding baptism, you are well supervised. This is an initiation where pleasure comes first. The more adventurous can even try flights with aerobatics or acrobatics , it is a different activity from the classic first flight. The feeling of freedom felt in the sky prevails over the rest and is amplified, it is a summary of pleasure at altitude.

After having properly measured the extent of your privilege, you will remember the images of these splendid landscapes in height . You will also be able to share with other people the emotions that paragliding provides as soon as you return to dry land. A fantastic show to tell your loved ones!

Paragliding with vertigo is possible!

Vertigo, commonly known as "fear of heights", is created by our brain . He receives contradictory messages from the eyes, the inner ear and the feet, causing a distorted sensation of movement. This form of illusion can be experienced in different ways, but they are all disturbing, and can even become paralyzing.

In other words, you are destabilized! But rest assured, in paragliding, this does not happen because you are not directly connected to the ground . It is the same phenomenon that occurs in a hot air balloon. This fear of heights is certainly not felt on a purely physical level, but perhaps you have the impression of having it anyway. Quezaco? You are then rather in the apprehension mentioned earlier, which is very different from vertigo strictly speaking.

In the case of real phobias, this fear of heights must be controlled because it is embarrassing for the person who suffers it. But in general,vertigo does not exist in paragliding . To form your own opinion on the question, the best thing is to live this exceptional experience where you are quietly carried by the winds.

You see, nothing is insurmountable if you want to do this activity! Put your brain on pause, and go back to the sources, when Man realized he could fly, an incredible discovery full of excitement that allows you to travel in the sky.
The more adventurous can also try another hybrid discipline, paragliding on skis in winter. Breathe well, take a first flight in a paraglider, and you will see, the major risk is above all to get a taste for it and to absolutely want to start again !