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5 good reasons to play sports in winter

My friends, we will quickly enter a sad and gloomy period… the days will start for many at night, it will be cold and the sun will surely be rare in certain corners of France, but we must not be discouraged! At Startin’ Sport, we are going to give you 5 good reasons to play sports in winter to keep your good mood back from summer vacation!

1. Exercise to sleep well

With the resumption of the daily metro-work-sleep rhythm, you suddenly feel tired, and for good reason, you still haven't lost your relaxed holiday habits. If you schedule a regular sports activity early in the morning, for example, you will wake up at a specific time and therefore you will have to go to bed at a reasonable time . Yes, to be in good shape the next day and for your sporting niche to be beneficial to you, you will have to rest !
On the other hand, playing sports will allow you to escape all the stress of a working day and thus to have a free spirit at bedtime. Finally, after a little sports activity, you will feel better in your body and for once, very tired! You will fall asleep like a baby.

2. Exercise to not get depressed

We know, it's very hard to leave the summer season, the sun, the beach, the tan and the endless barbecues! But as all good things come to an end, we must resume a normal daily rhythm. And to avoid the temporary depression of mid-September which pushes us to look for rays of sunshine from everywhere and in particular by looking at photos of paradisiacal beaches while imagining a cocktail in hand, it is essential to play sports!
Whatever sports activity you choose , the main thing is to spend (and not spend to compensate!) so that your brain releases the famous hormone of pleasure:endorphin . Know that running would be the best sport to release endorphins. The more you exercise, the happier you will feel. Be careful, however, not to wait until you are in total depression to get started!

3. Exercising to maintain weight/lose weight

We don't teach you anything, practicing a sport on a weekly basis allows you to keep your figure and even lose weight depending on the sporting activity you have chosen, the pace and the objectives you have set. With the end-of-year celebrations fast approaching, preparing this marathon of family meals and other excesses of all kinds (chocolate, foie gras, champagne, Yule log, etc.) will not be superfluous. Anticipate your small deviations by practicing now a little sport to keep you in shape . So you can have fun without worrying about your balance.

4. Exercise to stay healthy

When we say that playing sports allows you to keep your figure, it also allows you to protect yourself from germs and other small viruses who arrive in winter! The best option to strengthen your immune defenses is to exercise outdoors , when the weather is mild. Your body will then be prepared to operate at low (but not freezing!) temperatures. And if you are planning to go to the mountains soon, know that snowshoeing is excellent for your health.

5. Exercising to detox

Do you feel like you've barely lifted your foot, especially at the end of the day? Your day consists of ingesting all the energy drinks on the planet based on caffeine and taurine, accompanied by a cigarette and in the evening, you combine alcohol and tobacco? Doing sports will help you detoxify and get rid of all those bad habits!
You will quickly feel better and noticeably less tired, be sure of that! It is well known that when you practice a sport regularly, you often want to have a correct lifestyle , and this requires the almost complete eradication of the fatal trio:coffee/cigarette/alcohol. Let's go?

Tell us what are your favorite sports activities for this winter! Rather jogging? Bike ? Fitness? CrossFit? Dance ? Swimming or walking?