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How to better live my bedridden pregnancy:7 tips from Ingrid Meunier

During pregnancy, in a visit to the gynecologist, everything can suddenly change:when we thought we were going to make a routine visit, we learn that to prevent the Baby from being born prematurely, we will have to remain bedridden (partially or totally) the rest of the pregnancy (sometimes it's only 3 months...). "Here is the anguish! They don't think of us but only of the well-being of our baby," says Ingrid Meunier, the creator of the website Maman Alitée, who launched this site to help mothers to better live their pregnancy.

Because being in bed all or part of the day is obviously not resting in cool vacation mode. “Many women can feel very anxious, alone (their partner sometimes comes home late from work), misunderstood (“What are you complaining about? Me, with all my work, I would dream of spending the day in front of the TV!”) , feeling deeply bored or feeling "disconnected from life". That's why it's important to keep living, our own way,” this two-time couch mom tells us.

And to continue living, she gives us some tips.

1/ Look at your pregnancy step by step. "When you say to yourself 'I'm going to be bedridden for 3 months', it's demoralizing. That's why you have to see by small objectives:first, get out of the "very great prematurity" period (before 28 SA), then of the "great prematurity" (28 to 32 SA + 6 days), "average prematurity" (from 33 WA to 36 WA + 6 days) and even "prematurity" (any birth that occurs before 37 weeks of pregnancy is said to be premature). It's easier... and it makes you more confident! »

2/ Make your own cozy nest. "Find yourself your HQ, a room where you really feel good and where you can lay comfortably. There, on a coffee table for example, you must have everything you need nearby:books, magazines, tablet, laptop, remote control, thermos,... It's your little cocoon. »

3/ Organize your activities. "If we watch TV all day, we'll quickly become stupid. The best thing is to vary your activities:for example, an hour of TV, then an hour of internet, then an hour of reading for example, according to your desires. »

4/ Do concrete things. “While you're lying down, life goes on for everyone. In the evening, you too must have things to talk about. You can participate in the life of the house by doing your shopping online (which your spouse will pick up when they get home from work), preparing for the arrival of Baby, taking care of the administrative papers. You can also shop online or develop passions (it was during my second bedridden pregnancy that I created Pixl films, my filmmaking company for individuals and professionals). In short:do not put your life on hold:being pregnant, even if you are bedridden, is not being sick. We can continue to move forward in our own way. »

5/ Share your experiences and communicate. “Being in bed is physically and psychologically hard. Do not hesitate to talk about all your doubts, your anxieties, your questions to the midwife who comes to see you, to the women you know or on online communities. On the forum of Bedridden Mom, many moms advise each other, confide, chat,…. And some even remained friends after giving birth! »

6/ Do yourself good. "It's easy to let go but as life goes on, it's good to avoid for morale and social life spending all our days in jogging. When we can, we put on make-up, we do our hair, we dress well, we put on moisturizing cream that smells good... If we had bought a nice bathing suit for the summer, we can still put it on, even without Beach ! This also applies to our pretty evening dresses. Moreover, when we are bedridden and shopping online, we have time to think about our style, compare prices, find promotions,…”

7/ Do not hesitate to ask for help. “Caf, mutuals, insurance,… we can benefit from a few hours a week of cleaning, cooking or childcare! And that is relieving. » More info here.
