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Why we love running in the cold

Let's encourage ourselves, because to be honest, since it gets colder outside, it becomes more difficult to muster the motivation to go for a run. But once we get started…

Read also:Motivational tips to keep exercising in the winter

The heat is not an issue Did you complain in the summer that it was too hot to run? You won't be bothered by that now.

You avoid the bacteria in the gym
You work outside on your fitness and resistance. All those sneezing, coughing and sniffling people in the gym don't make you very happy.

Afterwards you feel extra satisfied
In advance you dread running, so that the feeling of satisfaction afterwards is extra great.

Read also: Tips for running in the dark

You are already working on your bikini body
Summerbodies are made in winter. By hiding on the couch in a warm sweater all winter, you won't keep the shape you trained so hard for last summer.

There is a good chance that you will run faster
Endurance athletes often perform better at a somewhat lower temperature. Take advantage of that.