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Setting up a routine in the morning, the key to having a good day?

Overwhelmed barely out of bed, every morning it's a real marathon that begins and we can't take it anymore! The solution ? Set up a “morning routine” to have a good day. Following a morning schedule allows you to save time, to be relaxed and even more fulfilled (=we will never again say that we are not in the morning!). Here are some ideas for adopting a good morning routine…

Prepare your things the day before

And yes, no secret:to save time in the morning, you have to take care of the longest tasks the day before. Prepare your outfit, your lunchbox or even think about your to-do list for the next day (for the most organized among us!)… so many things you can do in the evening, when you get home from work or before going. go to bed. Admittedly, it's not super fun, but we assure you that the next morning, we're super happy not to have to do all that!

Wake up your body

There's no point in running... if you're not fully awake, you're more likely to stumble! To be more effective as soon as you get up, wake up your body with small, simple gestures such as bringing daylight into the bedroom , take a shower or stretch. The goal is to stimulate and stretch...gently.

Take 20 minutes

Taking time for yourself is the secret to a successful morning routine...and it's not that easy! A late awakening, a family breakfast to prepare, we do not always have time to devote 15-20 minutes. And yet, this little moment dedicated to an activity that makes us happy and relaxes us is essential. Whether you choose to meditate, strengthen your abs with a few floor exercises or even admire your shoe collection (why not, if it makes you feel good!?), the important thing is to start the day of good mood.

Adopt a positive attitude

The first actor of our mood is ourselves! We too often overlook the power of a positive attitude and its daily gestures that make us happier. The simple act of smiling would make us happy, reduce stress and increase our dose of endorphin (the hormone of happiness) . So we smile! And we start the day by seeing things on the bright side (yes, even if a boring day awaits us…) thanks to positive affirmations. These are little phrases that we say to ourselves to see our own daily successes/pride (“I finally greeted this sublime colleague whom I have been watching for months!”), and to congratulate ourselves. Positive, we said!

And for you, what morning routine?