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How not to lack vitamin D in autumn and winter?

Who says autumn and winter says shorter days, less sun and… less vitamin D. This vitamin, which the body does not produce and synthesizes in contact with UVB rays (those responsible for tanning!) at 80% and food at 20%. His role ? It helps maintain calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood, helps mineralize teeth, bones, and cartilage, helps brain development and function, and may even reduce inflammation. When we lack it, we are more likely to fall ill, we are tired and we can have mood swings. Not cool…

Food and capsules

But then, how not to lack vitamin D when you are not exposed to the sun? It is mainly through diet that we can avoid having deficiencies. On the menu:fatty fish (salmon, sardines), orange juice, red meat, egg yolk, fish, cheese and tofu. To find out if you have vitamin D deficiency, you can take a blood test to check it. If this is the case, you can also opt for vitamin D supplementation (the Solgar brand offers it in capsules, for example), but check the dose to be taken with your doctor. Easy!

No vitamin D deficiency for us!