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The French do not take enough care of their hearts

The French are well aware that the heart is one of the most important organs of the body. Moreover, many have the impression of doing what is necessary to take care of it, only that is not the case. An IFOP survey for the French Federation of Cardiology reveals that there is a real gap between reality and their perception.

Progress to be made

To determine the state of French people's knowledge of cardiovascular disease and find out more about how they put prevention advice into practice, the polling institute conducted a survey of 2,000 adults. Result:they still have a lot to do to improve. To begin with, 61% of them consider practicing regular physical activity. But in fact, only 31% of them move at least 30 minutes in a row two or three times a week (yes, 20 minutes of running per week does not really count as regular physical activity!). The French are just as bad students when it comes to food. We've heard it enough for everyone to know:you have to eat five fruits and vegetables a day and don't overdo it with salt. But in reality, only 40% of respondents eat at least one fruit a day and 38% at least one vegetable. Similarly, 64% resalt their dish at the table, including 24% systematically. Despite all this, they are 77% to think they have a balanced diet... Another negative point:when we ask them what are the means of prevention and fight against cardiovascular diseases, they are only 22% to mention stopping tobacco or not smoking. However, the latter is the cause of a quarter of cardiovascular deaths in people under 70 and is responsible for the majority of myocardial infarctions in people under 50. To reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, still too underestimated, the French Federation of Cardiology recommends remedying all this by moving more and eating better! Simple, finally!