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Study:the French judge their physique and here is the score they give themselves

67% of women are complexed by their body, an impressive figure revealed by an Omnibus study. This was carried out from June 26 to 28, 2020 by Qilibri in collaboration with Opinion Way, with 1,003 women representative of the national population aged 18.This malaise is present mainly among 35-44 year olds (82%), among CSPs – (78%), mothers (74%) and among 18 and 24 year olds (58%). It is mainly the media that accentuate this feeling , since 8 out of 10 women (86%) say that ads reinforce complexes, social networks (79%) and television (84%).

6/10, this is the rating that the French give themselves

The French do not have a very good image of their body . Based on their physical well-being (weight, figure, appearance), they give themselves an average rating of 6.3/10 . This varies according to gender, since men are more generous with 6.6/10 while women are very strict, with 5.9/10. Men under 35 are those who judge themselves the least harshly:7/10. Conversely, women over 35 give themselves 5.8/10.

Women have a very poor image of themselves

Unsurprisingly, those are the women who are the most complexed by their physique, since 38% of women report not feeling good about themselves . Similarly, more than one woman in ten has already had cosmetic surgery (11%). In detail, 8% claim to have used it only once, and 3% several times. If 12% of women are considering cosmetic surgery in the future, the youngest are the most attracted to this option (25% of 18-24 year olds).

Finally, the weight is always in the concerns of the French. Indeed, the study reveals that 53% of respondents are too fat. Tolose weight and feel good about their bodies, the French plan to change their diet so that it is more varied (90%) and exercise more regularly (86%).

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