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Diet sodas triple the risk of dementia and stroke

Diet soft drinks have for a time embodied a real revolution:soda lovers could continue to consume their favorite drink without the calories and harmful effects of sugar. But we know that they are not good for your health, and a new study relayed by The Independent exposes how much they can deteriorate everyone's health. Boston University researchers analyzed the eating habits of 4,372 participants over 10 years, and they found that people who drink one can of diet soda a day are three times more likely to have strokes and dementia. The main culprit is aspartame which, like other artificial sweeteners such as saccharin, constricts blood vessels, which can therefore lead to seizures and progressive loss of mental faculties.

Research that needs further investigation

The study thus proved that participants, all over the age of 45, who drink a can or more of diet soda per day are 3 times more likely to be subject to strokes, and 2.9 times more likely to show signs of dementia than those who use almost none. Matthew Pase, head of the Department of Neurology at Boston Medical School, explains:"Our study shows that more research is needed in the area given the number of people who consume beverages containing artificial sweeteners ". However, he qualifies the results, which do not show that drinking diet sodas necessarily causes strokes and dementia, but he recommends sticking to water and milk. A previous study conducted by Imperial College London also showed that diet drinks were no more effective than regular sodas in weight loss, and that they even contributed to developing a greater desire for sugar by continued.

The best thing is to avoid sugary drinks as much as possible... Prefer, for example, vegetable milks or Bubble Tea!