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Kangoo Jumps the atypical sport of the moment

The Kangoo Jumps may scare some people at first, but don't be fooled by appearances, this activity is simply brilliant. It has been practiced everywhere in France since 1994, when the essential tool for this sport, Kangoo shoes, was created. These are fairly thick shoes (almost ski boots!), with springs that allow us to bounce. This slightly eccentric sport is varied since there are three kinds of Kangoo classes, the Kangoo Power based on aerobics, the Kangoo Kick in which you learn fighting techniques and the Kangoo dance. So are you tempted?

An effective and entertaining sport!

Once you've gotten used to the bouncy shoes, the teachers play catchy music and offer a whole series of exercises, to be choreographed. We do squats, scissors, heel-buttocks, lunges and burpees while hopping on our shoes, which cushion the impact on the ground by 80% and avoid back or knee problems. Wearing these shoes brings a touch of fun to these classes and therefore reduces the risk of accidents while allowing significant muscle strengthening, as shown in the video above! Classes also exist for children!

Practical information:

You can practice this sport at home or indoors as long as you have the necessary
shoes which cost between 100 and 200 euros. You can find these
shoes on the internet and here are some sites to sign up for lessons:

Course 1

Course 2

Course 3