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Choose the right sports shoes in 3 steps

Runner or fitness freak; with this step-by-step plan you will now know exactly which sports shoe to choose and bad purchases are a thing of the past.

1. Determine your shoe size Even if you have had the same shoe size for years, it is always best to try on new sports shoes first. The sizes of brands and models can often differ. Keep in mind that your feet will slide forward slightly with each step. So make sure you have about an inch of space between your toes and the front of the shoe, to avoid sore toes, blisters worse. The width is also important; there should be a little space on the sides.

If you order online anyway
If it is not possible to try on sports shoes because you order them online, use this trick to determine your size:stand with one foot on an A4 paper and lift the other foot. (If your feet are not the same size, place your largest foot on the paper.) Draw a line at your longest toe and at your heel. Measure this length and then add one centimeter. You will find a size chart at almost every webshop, in which you can see which size belongs to which foot length. In any case, this gives an indication, but even then the following applies:the size and fit can differ per brand.

2. Think about your exercise routine
Do you often go to the gym? Then you need a completely different shoe than when you run. Decide for yourself on which surface you exercise the most.

Cardio and strength training
When you work with equipment and weights, you do not need special sports shoes. Good posture is a must during strength training, so go for a sports shoe that is comfortable and feels stable.

Fitness/group classes
These classes are often taught on a hard, wooden floor. Especially with high-intensity training, your feet can use some support. Choose a shoe that especially supports your forefoot. And always check the bottom of the shoe:a ribbed sole prevents you from falling on a slippery floor.

Running Good shock absorption is important to protect your knees and ankles. Have a foot analysis done in advance at a specialized sports store to find out what your pronation pattern is. It is then best to choose a shoe that stabilizes your foot. They can advise you on this in a good sports shop.

3. Choose the right material
Not only the size and model of the shoe are important; the material must also be in order. Shoes that do not ventilate well can cause sweaty feet and even cause fungi and fungal nails. For example, choose shoes that are made of mesh. This is a woven fabric with very small holes. The fabric is completely air permeable and ensures well-ventilated feet during exercise.