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"The Great Book of Fertility":The Bible for Those Having Difficulty Getting Pregnant

After the excellent "pregnant woman's bible "The big book of my pregnancy", Eyrolles editions are releasing a new very rich and precise work, intended to support future parents, which this time is aimed at those whose pregnancy is long overdue:"The Great Book of Fertility".

Led by Dr. Laurence Lévy-Dutel, gynecologist-nutritionist, attached to the Hôpitaux de Paris, and written by specialists in the field, this book will answer all the questions you ask yourself, in a way that is both documented and accessible, testimonials, practical advice, illustrations and glossaries in support.

You will learn, for example, what are the main causes of infertility, what diet to adopt (long live whole grains and fruits!), what are the different drug treatments, MAP techniques and how to live well with your couple. during this ordeal.

A fascinating book, very precise and reassuring. Necessary.

A look at the summary

1/ Do you have a child project?

How to prepare your child project?

What are the factors that can influence your fertility?

2/ When the child is waiting

What are the main causes of infertility?

What are the exams to perform?

The first treatments before resorting to AMP

And when we can't find an explanation?

Medically assisted procreation (MAP)

AMP:who, where, how?

ART techniques

Storage of sperm, oocytes and embryos

Sperm, egg and embryo donation

After ART

AMP:religions and societal evolution

> Laurence Levy-Dutel, Isabelle Berthaut, Laurence Brunet, Charlotte Dudkiewicz-Sibony, Carole Minker, Jérôme Pfeffer, The big book of fertility , Eyrolles, 2015.

Who are these authors?

Dr Laurence Lévy-Dutel is a gynecologist-nutritionist, attached to the Hospitals of Paris.

Isabelle Berthaut is a doctor of science and a biological engineer at the Hospitals of Paris.

Laurence Brunet is a lawyer at the “Law, science and technology” research center, CNRS – University of Paris 1.

Charlotte Dudkiewicz-Sibony is a clinical psychologist-psychoanalyst, attached to the Hospitals of Paris.

Dr. Carole Minker is a doctor of pharmacy and pharmacognosy. She has a university degree in micronutrition.

Dr Jérôme Pfeffer is a medical biologist in charge of the ZTP laboratory and coordinator of an AMP center in the Paris region.