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The consumption of ibuprofen should be limited for pregnant women

Ibuprofen is a drug often used against headaches, stomach pains or during a rise in fever. But in some cases, this anti-inflammatory is not indicated at all. A study published in the journal Scientific Reports indeed claims that taking ibuprofen during pregnancy would interfere with the normal development of the fetus and, more specifically, of the male genital organ.

The first high-risk weeks

From the beginning of pregnancy, taking ibuprofen is contraindicated:according to the study, it is between the 8th and 10th week (period when the baby is in full formation) that the anti-inflammatory would act the more strongly. Researchers from the Institute for Health, Environment and Work Research (Irset) in Rennes have conducted research on the role that ibuprofen plays in the formation of the testicles of male fetuses, and their conclusions are clear:ibuprofen disrupts the hormonal system responsible for the development of male genitalia.

Low dose consumption

According to the researchers, almost 3 out of 10 women consume ibuprofen during their pregnancy:a huge number when you think about the risks involved. However, the scientist Bernard Jégou, coordinator of the study, affirms that it is not a question of "making women feel guilty". Ibuprofen remains a useful and more effective analgesic when pregnant women go through phases of intense fatigue, but it is essential to take care to consume it for very short periods and in doses as low as possible.

We have been warned!