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We treat ourselves… with chocolate!

Christopher Columbus should have been the first to discover cocoa in 1502 in South America, if he hadn't confused it with goat droppings! It will therefore be Cortes who will do it in 1528. At the court of France, the queens love it like the kings who prefer coffee. Once reserved for the elite, chocolate has since become more popular and is causing an increased demand for cocoa. Today it's a real drug, it's delicious and moreover it's a natural food supplement capable of healing us!

Chocolate can boost our fertility

During the Aztec period, a fertility goddess was the greatest consumer of chocolate! Indeed, chocolate is rich in vitamin B9, it contains 35 mg per 100 g of dark chocolate. Doctors claim that this intake is substantial and is recommended for couples wishing to have children. This folic acid boosts Mr's sperm and Mrs's eggs, while preventing neural tube defects for the newborn.

Chocolate is a real aphrodisiac

When we fall in love, our level of phenylethylamine increases, and chocolate contains it! Since the Aztec period, cocoa has had a reputation as a sexual stimulant. Indian natives smeared themselves with cocoa porridge to stimulate their erogenous zones. In France, the favorite of King Louis XV regularly consumed chocolate to warm up her blood and be "at the right temperature" for her lover!

Chocolate helps fight against anxiety and depressive states

Chocolate is also loaded with caffeine. Caffeine contains theobromine and theophylline. These components release pleasure hormones such as endorphin or dopamine.

Cocoa contains theobromine, which provides a feeling of well-being. It increases the presence of norepinephrine, in low quantities in the brain of a depressed person. It therefore has a euphoric effect at the rate of 4 squares of dark chocolate a day.

Also, salsolinol, present in large quantities, increases phenylethylamine in the brain, which provides the effects of an antidepressant.

Chocolate is an energy booster and fights drowsiness

The theobromine contained in cocoa has stimulating effects. It blocks adenosine, which is responsible for the desire to sleep. Dark chocolate contains up to 70 mg of caffeine per 100 g. Caffeine is known to stimulate the nervous system and the cardiovascular system. We sleep less, and we concentrate more!

Chocolate contains polyphenol, thanks to that we live longer!

A study by Harvard researchers has shown that chocolate consumers live longer! For 5 years, they followed a sample of 7,841 people over the age of 65. Results, individuals who consumed up to 3 chocolate bars per month had an extended life expectancy of one year!

Chocolate improves health

According to the ORAC index (free radical absorption capacity), dark chocolate has 4 times more antioxidants. Antioxidants help fight cardiovascular disease and cancer. The polyphenol present in chocolate stimulates the immune system. Harvard researchers have discovered that polyphenols have anti-cancer properties. In addition, cocoa contains theophylline, which has broncho-dilating properties, which strengthens the respiratory muscles and stimulates the heart.

Chocolate also activates a neurotrophic factor, BDNF, a protein capable of preventing degeneration. So we can even avoid Alzheimer's or Parkinson's!

To benefit from all the properties of chocolate, we bet on dark chocolate at least 70%! We are wary of milk chocolate which contains saturated fats and limits the absorption of antioxidants and we forget white chocolate! Discover all the properties of chocolate in How to treat yourself with chocolate.

Morgane Longuepee