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A reasonable portion of fries should contain only six.

The rule for maintaining good health is strict:junk food is not completely prohibited but it must remain exceptional, and it must ideally be compensated with physical activity. One of the star foods in this disreputable category is of course French fries, which have the advantages of being cheap and easy to prepare. In an effort to expose their unhealthy aspect, a prominent professor of nutrition at Harvard University has assessed the “correct” portion that should be consumed to limit the damage to health. And his estimate may surprise you, since Professor Eric Rimm speaks of only… 6 fries! It's the amount everyone should be satisfied with at home and fast food to stay safe from the diseases that overconsumption can lead to – cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity, to name a few. . The study conducted by the scientist and taken up by the New York Times , thus shows that people who eat French fries do not live as long as those who do not give in to the appeal of the potato/fat combo.

A small portion of fries with salad

The problem is inescapable in the United States, where the population consumes the potato more than any other "vegetable", and this in all its forms, including fries and crisps, according to the United States Department of Agriculture . The ever larger portions of food obviously do not help the problem:the average citizen consumes a portion of 200g of fries on average. For Professor Rimm, a more appropriate dosage is a first solution. “Not many people leave ¾ of their portion of fries. […] I think it would be a good thing to include a salad and 6 fries with meals ". If the recommendation seems somewhat utopian in a country where the French fries reign supreme, it is nonetheless an interesting alternative for people who want to continue to have fun while wanting to promote their good health. Renowned New York dietician, Tracy Lockwood Beckerman, presents a less drastic option of replacing fries served with a variety of sauces with oven fries, which are barely salted when eaten. We take good note!