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Why and where to free fall?

By "free fall" we mean above all "skydiving". Today, skydiving has become a sensational activity, ideal to fill up on adrenaline and to test free fall at 3000 or 4000 m altitude.

This extreme sport also nourishes the apprehension of the void, as the jump is incredible during the trip in the sky. Freefalling in every sense of the word is above all feeling new emotions .

But then, where and how are you going to jump? Freefallindoor or real outdoor jump , here are some ways to understand this phenomenon that is free fall, and you decide

Freefall in a nutshell

From the beginnings of the Man who flies to the complete mechanism of the secure parachute, it took several inventors and adventurers to get started.

Skydiving in history

It all started in 1485 with the overflowing imagination of an Italian genius:Leonardo da Vinci .

It was not until October 1797 that the first parachute jump was made in Paris above Parc Monceau:skydiving was born!

Since then, this discipline has developed with many licensees and curious to discover the sensations of free fall. Even the military body uses this extreme sport for operations , since World War II.

The French Parachuting Federation (FFP) is also welcoming more and more members. Novice or confirmed, everyone can try it !

Derived disciplines

In terms of free fall at altitude directly inspired by skydiving, we find the wingsuit , wingsuit flying, or sky surfing , freefall on a special board. Be careful, these practices are to be left to skydiving professionals!

An alternative to altitude skydiving was born thanks to aeronautical tests. To train while limiting weather risks in particular, the first indoor wind tunnel originated in England in 1871 .

The vertical wind tunnel or wind tunnel , is a large glass tube that reproduces the effects of free fall. Since then, it has become a discipline in its own right with its world championship and its sports enthusiasts.

Free fall in a wind tunnel or a parachute?

Why free fall in a wind tunnel rather than a parachute jump? Here is a small comparison of their differences, with each one its advantages and its disadvantages !

Weather conditions

Free fall indoor assures you a "jump" no matter what the day's weather. The glass tube is not dependent on the outside climate, you are quiet:you feel the sensations without worrying about the weather !

A parachute jump can be postponed or canceled depending on weather conditions . It is one of the disadvantages of being in the open air, but the trip is worth the detour, we assure you.

For the weather: advantage of the indoor simulator.

Infrastructure costs

Parachute jumping mobilizes a certain number of infrastructures and requires organization:

  • Airplane and pilot
  • Fuel
  • Flight permissions
  • Parachute equipment and safety, etc.

With the wind tunnel, the user goes through fewer "constraining" steps. The glass tube can work at any time , this is one of the major advantages of a wind tunnel.

Count 250€ on average for a parachute jump, compared to around 60€ for an indoor free fall session . Often, the session is 1 minute to feel the full intensity of free fall during a real jump. Finally, you are in two different dimensions, for a similar rendering !

For price and operating costs: advantage to indoor skydiving.

The panorama

Undeniably, we do a parachute jump for the feeling of free fall but also to admire the incredible landscapes observed from this altitude. The emotion felt is simply magical.

You won't have this in the wind tunnel, since the main idea is to reproduce the effects, but without making you climb into the sky. Then opt for a tandem parachute jump if it is the panorama that interests you!

For the panorama: parachute jump advantage.


Skydiving is not for everyone. Often from 12 or even 15 years old , you must also have a medical certificate to try the experience. Also, the weight can be a brake, it is a question of not exceeding 90-100 kg in general, according to the corpulence.

With the wind tunnel, children can fly , it's interesting, but beware of the contraindications because there are!

The major example is shoulder dislocation:if you have suffered this type of inconvenience in the past, you may be refused access to free fall in the wind tunnel. Just because you're inside doesn't mean you can do anything and anyhow 😉

Finally, the possibilities of tricks and challenges are more impressive when you do a free falloutdoor , but don't get me wrong, free fall indoor has its followers and its champions !

For accessibility and contraindications: draw between the two disciplines.

Why go into the void?

Face your fear and gain confidence

We said it, parachute jumping is not for cowards! A climb to 3,000 or 4,000 m altitude, then a release into the sky , not everyone is a candidate, and yet…

After the administrative side, if you are able to jump, you are safe with the instructor who jumps in tandem with you. This is an opportunity to surpass yourself, to get out of everyday life and experience the unforgettable .

You arm yourself in a way to succeed in your personal challenges and raise your head . For the flight, lower it anyway, it will be easier to enjoy the landscapes!

Treat yourself to a few minutes of great thrill

In addition to the adrenaline which is at its maximum during the free fall, you are safe. No, your life does not pass before your eyes, you are guaranteed to reach dry land – in its entirety – very quickly !

Finally, you offer yourself a very gift with a parachute jump:you do the rollercoaster of emotions giving you a little (or a big) scare at the time - it's human 🙂 - but quickly, you are amazed by the exceptional panorama that you are given to see. Open your eyes wide!

Let's get into sport in an incredible environment

Good resolutions are always possible, at any time of the year! And we know it, sport is almost essential if you want to keep in shape . And yes, skydiving remains a sport above all. If so…

A lot of muscles are put into action , and especially the arms, it's perfect to tone it all up 😉! Finally, we practice the sport in an unusual way, taking advantage of the advantages offered by the sky. Last asset :who says "sport" says "stress reduction" and harmony of the spirit!

Where to practice freefall?

A big jump in Île-de-France and in the North

You will have a hard time finding skydiving spots in Paris and Ile-de-France. On the other hand, very close to Paris, you can enjoy a memorable jump less than two hours from the capital .

Around Amiens or Péronne in the Somme , you can free fall at the gates of the City of Light. In a green setting not far from Paris and as far as Lille, you will get your fill of adrenaline!

If you prefer to try the simulator, try the wind tunnel in Paris. You will already have a first full of sensations.

We fly to the center of France

Each region has its places to parachute. In Loiret near Orléans , you will find a spot appreciated by amateurs and enthusiasts alike.

Going down a little in Burgundy, you can go to Chéu near Auxerre, or near Nevers in the Nièvre. These spots of the French Federation of Parachuting (FFP) are safe bets!

Great thrill in the south of France

On your way to the hinterland of the PACA region in the Hautes-Alpes, do not miss Gap for the amazing mountain scenery. Excellent "3 star spot" , it is ideal for any type of level with several centers present.

We grant you, we are more in the South-West than in the pure South:near Narbonne, the south of Toulouse or Carcassonne , you will find places to skydive.

Leaving for the Côte d'Azur:Avignon, the Var, or even near Aix-en-Provence , your adrenaline rush awaits you! Several places are possible in the South, just target the one with the most attractive view or price.

We don't forget the West and the East

We take the air in the West

On the Atlantic coast and the English Channel, from Normandy to Aquitaine via the Pyrenees , you can admire the beauty of the coast at altitude.

Le Havre, figure of Normandy, is a great center to receive you. Further down in the Pays de la Loire, Saumur in the Loire Valley will delight you with the many castles and vineyards of the region.

Niort, La Roche-sur-Yon or Royan in Charente-Maritime in Poitou-Charentes, Vannes in Brittany… So many places ready for the big jump with you !

In Aquitaine, you can go to the Gironde tip and Arcachon , or near Pau in the Pyrenees. Depending on the panorama and your driving time, you choose!

Adrenaline in the Great East

If you live or are traveling to the East, you can go to Strasbourg or Colmar in Alsace , Brienne-le-Château in Aube for the Orient forest, the Vosges to admire the mountains...

Going down near Besançon in the Doubs, you can also go on an aerial adventure . Remember that as a novice, to start skydiving well, you must be in good physical condition (medical certificate) and start with a tandem jump.

Some jumps are made in automatic opening , with a monitor nearby. You are free to choose the type of jump, but we still recommend the presence of the instructor in tandem at first!

100% freefall, but two disciplines apart

We can of course draw a parallel between parachute jumping and the wind tunnel simulator, but these two disciplines are very different. Admittedly, the feeling of free fall is present in both , but the conditions of practice are quite distinct.
Becoming two well-separated activities, with high-level athletes in both, it's up to you to decide which one to turn to. Often it can be said that the indoor wind tunnel is a good start before a real parachute jump! In any case, the experience promises to be full of surprises. Ready to drop?