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Where to skydive in Corsica?

Do you want to enjoy the Island of Beauty from the high altitude? And know that it is perfectly possible. Structures exist to fill up with thrills and to amaze you with the superb landscapes of Corsica !

Aléria, a spot for families and beginners

For a gentle introduction to skydiving, the Aléria spot will be perfect for you. The aerodrome is located just two kilometers from the center of Ghisonaccia , and it is very easy to get there. You can stay nearby without difficulty, Tohapi has a site a few kilometers from the aerodrome. You can visit for more information.

Even the youngest can participate since the minimum age limit is 12 years old with parental consent.

You will start your baptism with a briefing with the instructor. The jump consists of 40 seconds of free fall , before the instructor opens the parachute to hover for about five minutes, and thus enjoy a superb view of the sea, a dark blue of incredible beauty, visually echoing the lighter blue of the sky Corsican.

Olmeto, a spot for more than a baptism

To discover skydiving, but above all to improve your skills, the Olmeto spot, located about an hour by road from Porto-Vecchio , is the perfect place.

You can start with an initiation day:you will receive theoretical training, before jumping at an altitude of 4,000 meters, accompanied by two experienced instructors . If you are convinced by the experience, you can continue with the PAC (Accompanied Progression in Fall ):you will then receive more advanced theoretical training, before performing at least 6 jumps at 4,000 meters.

From the second jump , you will only be accompanied by a single instructor. This school also offers to discover tandem free fall:after a brief theoretical discovery, board the plane, and enjoy 50 seconds of free fall and a little more than 7 minutes of fall with a canopy.

You will appreciate during your descent an absolutely unique view of the mountains of southern Corsica , as well as the thickets of the maquis. A mix of dark brown, light gray and clean green to leave a lasting mark on your retinas.

So, ready to jump over the Isle of Beauty?

Although there are different activities in Corsica that will make you spend unforgettable moments such as canyoning or tyrotrekking, you can also discover offers for skydiving in Corsica and Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur with our partner.

If you are adrenaline junkies and want to flirt with the dark waters of the Mediterranean Sea and see Corsica like you've never seen it before, parachute jumping will be your best choice .