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Where to do a freefall simulator in France?

If you dream of being able to do a parachute jump in tandem one day in your life but for various reasons it is not yet on the program (budget, hesitation, fear, capricious weather, etc.), we recommend a sensational activity which will allow you to have an excellent taste of what the real jump into the void has in store for you:the free fall simulator!

In a wind tunnel in France , you will discover the adrenaline that comes from the practice of indoor skydiving while waiting to take the plunge from an airplane. We have selected for you 3 absolutely essential places to try the experience of the free fall simulator before booking your first skydiving ! To carry out or to offer to one of his relatives in search of sensations, it is an activity that will please 100%.

In Aude

Close to the city of Carcassonne , in Languedoc-Roussillon , you can take up the challenge of weightlessness in total autonomy. The advantage of skydiving in the wind tunnel , it is that the conditions for skydiving which are required here are much less strict since it is not necessary to be accompanied by a professional as for the tandem jump, nor even to get on a plane. And above all, there is no weather constraint !

In other words, you will be the only master of your body to take full advantage of the thrills that await you. Once you've gotten your bearings and feel comfortable in the air, you'll even venture to perform a few tricks !

In the Rhône

You are in the Rhône-Alpes region ? What if you plan an unusual activity which will make you discover what it feels like to free fall in complete safety in a wind tunnel? Accessible to everyone, even the youngest (from the age of 7), skydiving in a wind tunnel is a sporting activity that is both original and convivial.

Anyone wishing to try this activity in Lyon will love the feeling of freedom and lightness it provides. And even those who are hesitant or who suffer from vertigo or acrophobia will also find what they are looking for! No doubt, it's a sport to share with family and/or friends , conducive to laughter and general relaxation.

In Saône-et-Loire

Finally, it's in Chalon-sur-Saône that you will have the opportunity to discover free fall in a simulator thanks to a vertical wind tunnel installed in the open air ! After being briefed by a team of professionals, discovering indoor skydiving and its various sensations will be pure pleasure

So, in addition to being dressed in a specific suit and equipped with a helmet and goggles, it will really give you the impression of jumping into the void and defying weightlessness. Rather pleasant to float in the air and imagine yourself parachuting , right?

Now, all you have to do is choose the ideal place to practice a free fall simulator in France. You will have a clearer idea of ​​the adrenaline rush that will invade you from head to toe the day you skydive! Have fun!