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Where to go ski touring?

About ten years ago, ski touring was a mountain sport reserved for a very restricted public. Indeed, at the start the ski touring was practiced only by experienced mountaineers. Fortunately, with the evolution of equipment (skis are much lighter and shoes are more comfortable to wear), ski mountaineering has gradually opened up to a wider target group, including nature lovers, concerned about ecology.

Today, ski touring (just like snowshoeing) has become an activity that can be practiced over a day and even during a journey of several days, alone or with a professional and experienced guide (which we recommend, especially so as not to venture into the mountains blind). In short, it is a mountain sports activity that is accessible to all , as long as you know how to ski and that you want to walk in the heart of pristine nature and breathe the fresh air!

And since doing sports in winter must be part of our good resolutions this fall, here are our 3 spots to discover ski touring and have fun during your next vacation in the mountains:

Ski touring in the Hautes-Alpes

Accompanied by a guide throughout your mountain ski tour in the heart of the Hautes-Alpes, we offer two prestigious ski areas:Serre-Chevalier and La Grave . Be aware, however, if you opt for a ski tour in the Serre-Chevalier valley, that this winter sports resort is renowned for being the sunniest area in the Alps (about 300 days a year, that's not nothing!).

If you prefer to go to the station of La Grave , you will discover the Domaine de la Meije to go for 2 days in the mountains for an unforgettable hike. At the end of the day, you will find yourself in a gite at altitude, with all the necessary comfort for a good night's sleep. The next day, rested, you will set off again for the hike with your guide and the rest of the group.

You know how to ski, the red and black slopes don't impress you? This ski tour is made for you!

Alpine skiing, snowshoeing and ice climbing in Italy

This is a sports weekend in the mountains that promises to be original and rich in emotions! Startin’ Sport invites you to leave for Northern Italy , in the region of Piedmont, in Val Pellice precisely. You are going to spend 3 days and 2 nights in a valley in the province of Turin. A great weekend in anticipation during which you will have all the time you need to recharge your batteries and practice ski touring with a professional instructor. And that's not all, you will also have the chance to go snowshoeing and ice climbing ! Nice, right?

It is essential to have a good level of skiing to be able to take full advantage of this hike.

Ski touring in Haute Maurienne

Finally, head to Savoie for 3 days , in the Maurienne Valley, to enjoy ski touring in complete freedom! On the first day, your mission will be to follow our guide to reach the Evettes refuge via Bonneval sur Arc, to spend the first night there. The next day, you will ski towards the glaciers to the Francesetti point and return to the refuge via the Grand Méan glacier. Then on the last day of your stay in Maurienne, you will hike to the Selle de l'Albaron.

This hike is recommended for people who have already practiced ski touring at least once!

It’s good, have you found where you are going to go ski touring next? So put on your skis, don't forget the sealskins under the spatulas and go to the mountains for a walk in the heart of the snowy massifs that you are not about to forget.