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Corsica by motorhome:itinerary, advice and organization

Corsica by motorhome:itinerary, advice and organization

You have been dreaming of discovering Corsica for a long time and want to get to know it by motorhome . The Island of Beauty is one of a kind. It conceals little corners of paradise like coves with crystal clear water and the white sand beach well sheltered by large rocks of pink or red porphyry dark. To make your trip easier, here are some essential points to know before you leave.

Boarding for Corsica with a motorhome

First of all, you will have to embark with your motorhome on one of the ferries leading you to your destination. Note that the ferries leave from Marseille, Toulon or Nice from the French mainland although there are also departures from genoa and Livorno in Italy . The destination points are:

  • Ajaccio
  • Bastia
  • Île-Rousse
  • Propriano
  • Or Porto-Vecchio

A few express ferries make the daytime crossing in 7 hours, but most of the time you embark in the evening and arrive in the early morning. It is therefore advisable to book a cabin for the night. If you plan to leave during school periods or in the summer, book your ferry well in advance, because the places for motorhomes are quickly gone as well as the cabins for the night. If you are traveling with a dog, it is the same thing, the earlier you go, the more choice you have. One of the two ferry companies serving Corsica also assigns you a special cabin where you can stay as well as on the boat in general with your pet .

Book your ferry ticket to Corsica

Once you know your departure and return dates and the number of passengers, don't forget to take the dimensions of your motorhome . These measurements are requested when booking your online ticket . You can still add options such as breakfast and meals, but nothing is mandatory. It is strongly recommended to take out cancellation insurance whose cost is ridiculously low, but it allows you to move your dates or cancel your ticket in case of impediment. You are thus reimbursed.

Once in Corsica

Wherever you have chosen to arrive, Corsica will offer you as soon as you get off the boat, a magnificent view of the city, the surrounding mountains and the Mediterranean Sea. The wonder begins and you will be able to enjoy every moment. In a motorhome, you will be able to go all around the island , but be careful, there are very few places where you can stop in wild in the off-season and none in the height of summer. The motorhome areas are few, but there are many campsites very pleasant ready to welcome you in order to spend a wonderful holiday. Count between 20 and 30 € per night outside the summer period for two people and a motorhome.


Whether you arrive in any city, you will travel the same route. So we will leave from Ajaccio . As you get off the ferry, take the time to visit the "capital" of the island, which is the birthplace of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte . Stroll through the streets of the old center and admire the facades of the colorful houses with the charm of the Italian Riviera. On site, you can then take the direction of the Sanguinaires Islands at the exit of the city going up towards Calvi . If you are lucky enough to pass there at the tip of the night, you will immediately understand why they bear this name so much the sunsets are beautiful. Over one week departing from Ajaccio, you can plan to visit:

  • The Gulf of Sagone
  • Propriano
  • The Gravona Valley
  • Sartene
  • Bonifacio and its white cliffs
  • Porto-Vecchio its gulf and its fortified city
  • The Aiguilles de Bavella above Solenzara
  • The perched village of Quenza
  • Return to Ajaccio to board

This circuit is accessible to vans, converted vans and motorhomes. The roads are good. On the other hand, plan in advance, your stops for the night in the campsite or in the area, because you can stop during the day for visits, but it is not possible to sleep on site at the risk of being verbalized .

If you have two weeks in front of you, you will be able to complete this circuit, but also go all around Corsica by going to Bastia , visit the superb Cap-Corse and its perched villages , then visit Saint-Florent , the desert of Agriates, Île Rousse, Calvi, Porto, the creeks of Piana, the Scandola reserve and many other magical places where you can swim in warm, clear water in summer, practice diving, spearfishing or take a paddle tour according to your desires.

Note :that the section of road between Ajaccio and Calvi is very narrow at times and it is often difficult to cross with another vehicle. Caution is particularly recommended here.

The interior of Corsica

If you decide to spend three weeks in Corsica, in addition to these two routes, you can discover the interior of the island which does not lack charm and magic. Be careful, though, because motorhomes cannot pass on certain small Corsican roads . You must find out before you risk climbing if you have not studied the route before, because you could be blocked. Before committing, take a good look if the road is white on your map . In this case, we strongly advise against taking it if you have a motorhome. If you are traveling in a van, some of these roads are passable, but you must also be very careful. If you want to visit Corte dominating the region on its rocky outcrop , the road is correct and you can discover a soothing landscape and an authentic habitat. Do not take the Route des Gorges de la Restonica if it is recommended to you. Indeed, the place is superb along the river, but the road is very rugged and narrow. If you still want to discover this wonderful place, prefer rent a car for the day in Corte .

Visit Corsica differently by motorhome

If you are going out of season and want to visit Corsica quietly in a motorhome, there are other possibilities than sleeping in a campsite. You can stay in the private garden or on the farm . Look on the Internet , several addresses are communicated to you. Some even overlook the sea or rivers in a magical setting. You will be able to benefit from the tranquility of the place, but also from water, electricity sometimes and in the farms, you will have access to local products . This is how you can discover authentic specialties such as figatellu, brocciu, donuts dripping with sugar and citrus scent and many more mouth-watering products.

A few rules to observe

Finally, you should know that some Corses are not necessarily welcoming towards motorhomes who do not respect the rules of conviviality making them famous. Do not park just anywhere . Respect the place and avoid wild camping at all costs . If you want to see a city and spend time there, leave your motorhome in a parking lot . At the wheel, be a placid driver . By respecting these few rules, you will be very well received and will benefit from a unique experience by traveling this way, because you will be able to experience more authentic and warm moments with the local population.