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How and where to fly in a fighter plane?

You are in search of very strong sensations and you are passionate about aviation? The fighter plane will easily combine these two criteria to make you experience a totally unforgettable moment of pure adrenaline! Here's how to fly in a fighter plane in France in the most beautiful aerial devices whose performances are breathtaking.

Whether as a gift or for pleasure, the first flight in a fighter plane remains etched forever in memory. The discovery of the air vehicle, its cockpit, the sound deployed by the ignition of the engines, the first sensations provided by takeoff, etc. are all reasons that will push you, as aeronautics fans, to take a flight in a fighter plane.

It's aboard a Fouga CM-170 Magister that you will take place, at the back, as co-pilot. Built by Aérospatiale-Potez in the 1950s, the Fouga Magister was intended to participate in the training of military pilots . In total, just over 1000 copies were made. It is easily recognized by its butterfly tail .

It's a jet plane who was in the service of the Patrouille de France for 24 years, from 1956 to 1980. Its capabilities have been widely acclaimed by aerobatic pilots and many patrols have made it their favorite vehicle.

Once you have admired the Fouga Magister from all angles, you will sit in the cockpit in the place reserved for the co-pilot, that is to say the one located just behind the pilot. Equipped with a wetsuit before climbing, you will already be immersed in this universe. You will be strapped in and the cockpit will close. The pilot will start the two engines and thus take off the Fouga Magister ! You will quickly reach an impressive speed of 300 km/h and adrenaline will run through your whole body from head to toe! If the pilot is in the mood to impress you, he may perform some beautiful acrobatics !

Experiment:Rebecca's fighter plane flight

Extreme sports enthusiasts have agreed to answer our questions about the activity they have carried out. We would like to thank Rebecca here for her answers, she gives us her opinion on the flight in a fighter plane at Le Castellet .

Hello Rebecca! First of all, how did you discover Sport Découverte?

I discovered Sport Découverte by searching on search engines for driving courses and I found that Sport Découverte was the most complete site, the most practical to use and attractive in terms of price.

And what about the activities?

The activities are diverse and having practiced two of them, I can say that we got what we paid for, it was reallybeyond my expectations .

Do you perhaps practice extreme sports? What are they?

I do not practice extreme sports , I would like to practice one (the fighter plane) but unless I win the Euromillions, it will be hard! On the other hand, I do wakeboard from time to time but I am only an amateur!

Do you like adrenaline then?

My life is based on it!!

I like the speed , the risk , etc.

This provides unprecedented sensations !

So you had the pleasure of discovering one of our activities, what was it?

I offered my friend a multi-flying course on a Ferrari 458 (exclusive, thank you!!), a Lamborghini Gallardo LP 540-4 and an Aston Martin DB9, and I practiced the myself fighter plane internship (Albatros L39 C) on the Castellet site.

How did you feel a few minutes before the activity?

I'm going to talk mainly about the one I practiced, taking a fighter plane ride, it was my biggest dream!

And it was possible thanks to you and the wonderful team at Le Castellet, so my feelings... I let you imagine what it feels like to make a dream come true and what's more, a dream that seems impossible and inaccessible to you! Lots of joy, happiness, impatience and also (a little) worry about the unknown.

And during?

During... I have the video of the fighter plane as a souvenir, you can see me from the first bend, smiling ear to ear and in my eyes you can read this little sentence "I'm there, I'm in a fighter jet, I did it!!!!!! »

An amazing feeling!! A sense of infinite freedom

As a good fan of "Top Gun" it's a bit kitsch I know, but I saw myself in the place of Maverick flying over the landscape at hundreds of kilometers per hour. This power that pushes you in the ass (pardon the expression), but it's so true!

The constant sharing with the pilot, adorable in addition, listening to each expectation and each feeling (which is quite important, because everyone has their own limits, I know mine, that's why I go beyond beyond)

The Albatross rush towards the sea, the heart remains tight, the emotion is enormous, we fly over magnificent landscapes seen from above . Sunday walkers wave to us just below, not far from us… We wave back to them with the flapping of our wings. It's silly as a memory but I like to contemplate the planes that pass and I would like so much that they see me too!

Then, we fly over the creeks , the landscape changes, the sea below, magnificent! We have the impression at this time that we have always done this, we are one with the plane .

The pilot then explains to me how to handle the stick, shows me a maneuver, a left turn then a right turn and I take control, intense and unforgettable moment , I pilot !!!

Then, he explains to me how to do "a barrel roll", executes (not without fear), we are upside down, there, he raises his hands in the air and throws me a "you saw it's you who is driving!! “, oh inexplicable as sensation, just hallucinating!

The term freedom takes on its full meaning here !!

And then come 8 minutes watch in hand of pure aerobatics (and I can swear that 8 minutes is a long time!!!), where I cashed +6G , strong kid! Crushed in my ejection seat, the helmet firmly on my head, the arm that weighs several tens of kilos, the ultimate dream comes true, I take advantage of every moment and every push.

The noise of the reactor that increases every time the Gs arrive, the vision of the sea that you feel like you can touch, the feeling is unspeakable, all I can say is do it, it is huge!!

Then, a quiet return to recover from his emotions, a soft landing and the most beautiful 30 minutes of my life coming to an end … 30 minutes of happiness and pure adrenaline !

The first foot on earth is like the first man who set foot on the moon...strange!

Only one obsession left:to start over!

For a good week I had my head in the clouds (and I'm not exaggerating), all my thoughts were at 500 km/h and +6G!

What was the final verdict?

The final verdict is very simple:as soon as I can, I'll start again ! Small thing to add, a big big thank you to the whole team on site who do an extraordinary job, which consists in making dreams possible!

If you had to do a new activity, would you go through Sport Découverte?

I will pass by you and for a new flight! Without hesitation, I have great confidence in you and appreciate your good work!

What kind of activity would you do?

I would be tempted one day by a multi-flying course.

Thank you Rebecca for your answers, you put your heart into it and we feel that you REALLY liked the fighter plane flight!

If you too want to do like Rebecca:make your dream come true, be able to give meaning to the word freedom and discover fabulous sensations, then book your fighter plane flight with Sport Découverte. And this time, you'll be on the plane and the hikers will be watching you!