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Covid-19:why do some people escape contamination?

Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, some people have appeared to us as superheroes. Despite the contact cases , they continue to slip through the cracks and are not contaminated. The Omicron variant, which explodes the figures of new daily contaminations, even manages to pass them by. But how is it that people living in the same household manage to escape Covid-19 contamination ?

Covid-19:we are not all equal

It's not enough, a dinner with the mask removed at the restaurant, a poorly ventilated room, barrier gestures not respected or impossible to respect, health protocols not applied in the workplace, a hug or a kiss... The spread of Covid-19 is accelerating, especially with the new Omicron variant very contagious. However, some people seem to escape the virus. A couple living in the same household, sick parents and not the children, only one sick child among the siblings...

Why do some people escape Covid-19 contamination?

Several factors can explain why, in the same household, a person can be positive for Covid-19 and the other not. Michel Cymes on RTL , stated that there are "three elements that intervene:the environment, the human being and the virus, and it is the meeting between the three that will trigger an infection. » . Therefore, each human being is different and therefore has a different immune system, which can be more or less strong. The healthy lifestyle play a lot. If you exercise regularly and get enough sleep, it will boost the strength of your immune system . But this is not the only factor that can justify contamination or not.

Immunity due to previous contamination can also come into play. People who have already been infected with Covid-19 are less likely to be infected a second time. "cross-immunity" can also protect you. This is the case if you have already been confronted with a similar virus to that of Covid-19, your body then has a stronger immune response.

Assumptions that explain non-contamination

A study published in the journal Epidemics points out that there would be a greater chance of "transmitting the virus to someone with the same blood type" . This could explain why in some homes not everyone is infected. On the other hand, researchers indicate that having had a cold may also protect against infection with the Omicron variant. .