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Researchers study why people regain weight after dieting

Those who have already tried diets know it well:after a period of dieting, it is not uncommon to regain the pounds lost (or even gain a few). A 2015 study had also come to the conclusion that in 80% of cases, people who went on a diet regained their initial weight after a few weeks. And so far, we did not know exactly what this yo-yo effect was due to (too much deprivation? a body that cannot lose?). Well, by studying mice, Israeli researchers have put their finger on what could be the cause:it would be the intestinal microbiota, or the billions of bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms that are in the small intestine and colon.

The microbiota would be responsible for weight gain

To understand the reasons for this weight gain after a diet, researchers subjected several mice to different diets. Result:in obese mice, a more balanced diet led to a drop in weight and the modification of a whole host of other physical characteristics. So far nothing new. But they noticed that the microbiota of overweight mice remained unchanged after a diet. The researchers therefore deduced that this could be the cause of the post-diet weight gain. They do not yet know with certainty how the intestinal microbiota influences this weight gain, but the authors of the study are betting on the level of flavonoids (the antioxidants found in the intestine). The latter has a negative impact on the energy expenditure of the host. Clearly, in mice that have been on a diet, more energy is transformed into fat than in mice that have never been obese. The next step for scientists is obviously to check whether the results obtained on mice are applicable to humans. Trials are already underway. The key, perhaps new remedies to put an end, once and for all, to this yo-yo effect! To be continued…