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Can I get pregnant if I'm breastfeeding?

Right after giving birth.

Breastfeeding or not, conception is impossible during the three weeks following childbirth. For a fully breastfeeding woman, this period extends to the first five weeks after childbirth.

What's next?

In itself, breastfeeding is not at all a means of contraception, even if it inhibits ovulation in some women. In order for breastfeeding to prevent pregnancy, LAM (Breastfeeding and Amenorrhea Method) must be practiced by respecting these three conditions to the letter:not having had a return of periods, that the baby is aged less than 6 months and is exclusively breastfed – day and night – with at least 6 feedings per day with no interval of more than 6 hours between feedings.

But, but, but…

Each woman is unique and if the feedings are spaced out or few, if Bibou is over 6 months old or sleeps, it is possible that ovulation will resume. And then you can get pregnant again.

Thanks to Francine Dauphin, Midwife