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Coffee during pregnancy:can we continue to drink it when we are pregnant?

Pregnant woman and coffee:is it dangerous?

During pregnancy, coffee consumption should be reduced. Be aware that it contains caffeine, an active and psychotropic substance. This molecule stimulates the nervous system and disrupts sleep. As a result, the chances of palpitations and headaches will increase. Coffee also has a diuretic effect.

Pregnant women are very sensitive to the effects of caffeine. Indeed, this compound negatively influences the development of the baby. Overconsumption of coffee also promotes premature births and miscarriages.

Note that many drinks and foods contain caffeine (some sodas, tea, energy drinks, chocolate, etc.).

Pregnant woman and coffee:take a good dose

According to the WHO or World Health Organization, a pregnant woman should not consume more than 300 mg of caffeine per day. To put it simply, drink no more than three cups of coffee.

Know that:

  • 250 ml of coffee contains on average 100 to 150 mg of caffeine;
  • A cup of tea contains 10 to 90 mg;
  • A can of soda (cola) contains 40 to 50 mg;
  • A can of energy drink contains 80 to 130 mg;
  • 28 g of dark chocolate contain 3 to 23 mg.

For pregnant women, the EFSA or European Food Safety Authority recommends a maximum dose of 200 mg of caffeine per day.

Pregnant woman and coffee:what to replace it with?

Instead of drinking coffee, a pregnant woman can take other things. Today, many alternatives exist to replace drinks rich in caffeine. You can for example consume:

  • Citrus juice
  • Chicory
  • Hot lemon water;
  • From milk to honey ;
  • Decaffeinated coffee;
  • Herbal tea
  • Etc

After childbirth, you should also not drink coffee. This is because caffeine is not broken down in the digestive tract. Like alcohol, it passes directly through the blood of the nursing mother to that of the baby. As a result, the infant suffers from a sleep and digestion disorder.

If you can't deprive yourself of coffee, do not exceed the recommended dose, which is 200 to 300 mg of caffeine per day.