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Periods in advance:9 reasons which explain their irregularity

My period is early, should I be worried?

In general, whether they are early or late, the rules almost never happen punctually. Few women can claim to have had perfectly regular periods all their life. Remember that the duration of the menstrual cycle varies between 21 and 35 days, and that it is entirely based on hormones that are very sensitive to variations. Thus, the slightest change in the body can cause your period to be early without you being sick.

The rules which arrive early are a completely normal and harmless phenomenon in women. This bleeding, dependent on the secretion of progesterone and estrogen, is constantly subject to irregularities, hence the short cycles 21 days in some and long cycles 35 days in others. Variations in menstruation are not alarming. It is therefore normal that, in some cases, your period occurs in advance with, for example, a week lag compared to the usual dates. Different causes, all benign and not serious, can hide behind this irregularity.

Periods early:the biological and physiological causes of this common irregularity

Menstruation is based on the hormonal mechanism. Thus, periods that arrive early necessarily reflect an unusual fluctuation of the responsible hormones, namely estrogen and progesterone. This irregularity can be the result of a biological and physical phenomenon, such as:

  • Menopause:As the final cessation of ovarian functions approaches, the cycle is turned upside down due to hormonal fluctuations. The rules can then be very early or, conversely, very late;
  • Puberty and the onset of menstruation :the first periods are never regular and can arrive early. Indeed, during this period, the body takes time to get used to the new hormones;
  • Sudden weight loss;
  • Dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

Identifying the primary cause of your period in advance can help you live it better and avoid the stress that could come with it.

What are the external factors that can influence the early arrival of the period?

Your lifestyle and moods also have a big influence on your hormonal mechanism and can cause your period to come early. Any change is likely to cause menstrual irregularities. The list of possible causes includes:

  • Adopting a new diet:Diet is one of the levers that control hormone secretions. Thus, starting a new fitness or other regimen can bring your period forward by several days while your body readjusts;
  • The practice of a new physical activity:sport, especially if it is intense, will disturb your hormonal mechanism. As a result, menstruation may be early, but that's okay;
  • Stress:insomnia, changing hours of sleep, fatigue, change of routine, are all factors that disrupt the menstrual cycle through induced stress;
  • Medical treatments
  • Contraceptive pills.