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How to calculate your fertile periods?

The fertile period:knowing your body

As its name suggests, the fertile period corresponds to the most favorable period of time for conception. It is inseparable from the period of ovulation. To optimize your chances of getting pregnant, it's important to know your fertile window and ovulation date. Ovulation is the release of the egg from the ovary. However, the fertilizable egg has a lifespan of one day, while the fertile period lasts between 4 and 5 days. It is therefore just as essential to know how to recognize your fertile period to increase the chances of fertilization of the egg. Sperm stay alive longer. A sexual intercourse that takes place during the fertile period therefore increases the possibility of conception.

The calculation

First, you need to know your cycle length. That is, the number of days from one menstrual period to the next. The best method is to carefully write down the date of the first day of your period each month. Then count the number of days between each menstrual period. In general, a cycle varies from 28 to about thirty days. Once you get a small curve over several months, you can first calculate the ovulation date by applying a small subtraction. Ovulation occurs on average 14 days before the date of the period. The fertile period occurs 4 days before ovulation. Since the body undergoes many variations during a cycle, and that the latter can be irregular, this calculation remains approximate. It is crucial to listen to your body to recognize certain signs that announce a period of fertility.


In addition to calculating cycles, another method is to take your temperature over the duration of a cycle. In order to establish a temperature curve. The period of fertility and ovulation is observed when a slight rise in body temperature. For the more connected among you, do not hesitate to use applications that take care of calculating your cycles and your fertile periods. In addition, there are also fertility tests. They are used in the same way as a pregnancy test, and they are able to accurately determine your fertile window.