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Lifestyle:how to calculate your ovulation date?

What is ovulation...?

Ovulation means nothing and everything for most women. This phenomenon alone can be worrying or desired depending on your concerns. It is therefore essential to understand ovulation and its body. It all starts with the first day of your period which heralds the start of your cycle. The latter can vary from one woman to another between 20 to 40 days. However, ovulation will happen no matter what on the 14th day before your next period and the egg only lives for 24 hours! Your fertility will be optimal 4 days before and the same day so a total of 5 days to optimize your chances of giving birth or on the contrary to avoid any hug with Jules. However, you have to keep in mind that every woman is different and that these data are all relative depending on the number of days in your cycle or simply depending on the vagaries that punctuate your life as a woman such as stress, fatigue or gynecological problems.

Do your ovulation calculation

Ovulation is the release of a mature egg which takes place 14 days before your next period. So if you are regular, it will be on day 14 of your 28 day cycle; if you have a 30 day cycle, it will be on the 16th (30 − 14). Back to our egg:it has a lifespan of only 24 hours and dies when it arrives in the uterus. So if he is not fertilized, no sequel. If, on the contrary, it has been invaded by a small spermatozoon, it still needs to establish itself to begin the conception of your future child. Do not hesitate to practice the temperature curve method, to use ovulation tests sold in pharmacies or to use online calculators to know precisely the day of your ovulation. And now, to your calendars Ladies!