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5 surprising reasons that can explain your fatigue

You keep yawning, your eyelids are heavy, your limbs are dragging, your brain is running in. Don't panic, we'll help you better understand what's behind it all and deal with this boring lack of energy. From perfectionism to over-drinking coffee, the causes of fatigue might really surprise you.

1- You are a perfectionist

You are a perfectionist and your mind is constantly racing. Well, know that your brain is a machine like any other. The more it turns, the more it heats up and the more it risks burning. Presented in this way, we admit, it is neither very glamorous nor very reassuring. If you spend your time worrying, ruminating over decisions, and questioning everything, your energy can magically evaporate. Constantly rehashing ideas for the sake of perfection can quickly turn into an obsession. We are not very far from the vicious circle and your sleep could probably go through it. In this case, it is recommended to work on yourself, alone with relaxation for example, or with the help of a behavioral therapist.

2- You drink too much coffee

You are constantly fueled by coffee. You probably thought it was your essential ally against the bar strokes. In reality, coffee is a false friend. Caffeine as a stimulant produces stress hormones:adrenaline and cortisol. Your body's immediate response is akin to a state of alert, a sudden awakening. This is what makes you feel this “slap” effect. However, this energy is only temporary and fatigue quickly resumes its quarters. Your first instinct is to take another coffee. Ditto, a relapse, and so on. The more you consume, the more you exhaust yourself in this roller coaster of ups and downs.

3- You eat too many fast sugars

Some foods that we believe provide energy, on the contrary, drain us of energy. Pastries, cookies, white sugar, refined cereals are all sources of fast sugars that trigger a spike in blood sugar. A relapse usually follows causing hypoglycaemia. The ideal is to balance foods between slow sugars, fast sugars (very moderately), legumes, vegetables and proteins. You can also eat less but eat more often. This will maintain a certain balance in terms of energy and avoid unnecessary relapses.

4- Period-related sleep problems

The English land and your sleep is disturbed. The problem is that you don't necessarily make the connection between the two. You blame it on stress or overwork, the traditional scapegoats. It's basically a hormone problem. The solution:go see your GP or your gynecologist who, after analysis, will prescribe what you need to regulate your hormones.

5- You are not eating enough protein

Some people lack energy because they don't get enough protein in their diet. Proteins take time to operate in the body. They release energy in small doses throughout the day, which allows you to have a certain energy balance. If meat and fish are not among your favorite dishes, know that protein is found in tofu, nuts, yogurt and lentils.

You now have all the keys in hand to deal with a lack of energy, it's up to you to chase away this nasty fatigue!