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There are also etiquettes at the gym!

Sitting too long on a device while checking the mobile, not using a towel… Can that also bother you terribly when you're at the gym? There are also etiquettes in the gym that you have to adhere to.

The gym is a communal space where it is nice to take each other into account. But sometimes that is difficult. Still, it's nice if you can stick to the following rules:

1. Wipe off your sweat

There is nothing more dirty than being in someone else's sweat. So if you've done a solid workout where you sweated, it's neat to wipe the device clean with your towel. You don't like having to do your training where the handles are still wet from the sweat of someone else, do you?

Read also: 'The 5 biggest annoyances during a yoga class'

2. Return used items

Have you used weights? Put them back neatly in their place. If everyone just leaves everything behind, it becomes such a mess and it is also so difficult for the next person to find the right weights.

3. Don't occupy devices unnecessarily

Sometimes it is so busy in a gym that you have to wait a while until you can get on the next device. That's not a bad thing, but it does get annoying if a device is unnecessarily occupied, because the person on it is only busy checking his messages on his mobile ...

4. Don't turn your music too loud

Nowadays it is the most normal thing that everyone walks around with earphones to listen to their own music while exercising, but don't turn your music too loud. It is not only bad for your ears, but also very disturbing for your environment.

5. Leave that phone call for a while

Are you in a flow while listening to your own music? Then it is very irritating if someone nearby suddenly starts making extensive telephone calls. You can hear the whole conversation and you actually get quite distracted and lose your concentration completely. How annoying is that! So if you expect a phone call; then go outside…

6. Don't laugh at others

Not everyone has a figure that shows that there is regular exercise. So don't stare at anyone at length or make fun of anyone. There's a good chance that someone who doesn't go to the gym often already feels a bit uncomfortable. So leave them alone.

7. Keep the dressing room tidy

Also keep it tidy in the changing room and in the shower. So don't leave towels lying around, but throw them in the laundry basket. Dispose of empty shampoo bottles and packs of soap in the trash instead of leaving them in the shower.

8. Smelling a little fresh

If you sweated a lot during exercise in the past, don't use these clothes unwashed for the next workout. There is quite a difference in smell when it comes to new and old sweat. Old sweat can smell quite bad and that is not nice for other gym visitors.

9. Don't make it too loud a social happening

It is of course very nice to exercise with a friend or several friends, but if there is a lot of chatter and laughing very hard, it can distract others very much. So watch your voice or save the extended conversations for after your workout while you have a tasty protein shake.